Michigan’s Last Chance to See a Solar Eclipse Until 2024 Happens Thursday
A total solar eclipse is upon us, as this Thursday (June 10), the moon will pass right between earth and the sun.
Metro Detroit residents will be able to see some of the solar eclipse, but not the totality of it.
In metro Detroit, the sun will rise during the partial eclipse at 5:55 a.m. EDT and slowly separate from the moon as it gets higher in the sky. The eclipse will end at 6:37 a.m. EDT for those viewing from Detroit.
The best time to view the eclipse will be between 5:55 a.m. and 6:10 a.m. EDT.
To safely view the solar eclipse, safe filters are recommended, “those known to block not just the visible, but also the invisible, damaging infrared and ultraviolet rays,” according to Space.com, “rectangular arc welder’s glass that dims the sun comfortably in visual light (shade #14 for a normal bright sun), or certified eclipse glasses utilizing black polymer, or a metalized filter such as Mylar all made specifically for sun viewing.” For more information on how to safely view the solar eclipse, go here.
Thursday’s solar eclipse will mark the final one that will be able to be seen Michigan until April 2024.