Neighborhood Karen Starts a Decoration War!
A feud between one person’s non-traditional Christmas decoration and the neighborhood Karen has started to get some viral attention on Facebook.
A Facebook page called “Frank the Christmas Gargoyle” has gained a ton of new followers since this a neighborhood Karen took issue with a homeowners porch decor.
The Facebook page pretty much documents a homeowners stoop decorated with silly Christmas decorations. It all started when the owner of the stoop got a note from the neighborhood Karen complaining that her gargoyle, saying that it “was not appropriate or keeping with the Christmas spirit.” So the stoop owner decorated the gargoyle with a Santa hat and beard.
It sounds like now the HOA is involved and other people in the neighborhood are contributing to the stoops festiveness by dropping off other silly Christmas decorations. You can see some in the image below. Now there are also flamingo’s, hippos, snowmen, and more!