My 25th Anniversary At WRIF – Famous TV Moment – Meltdown
This story is so funny! Back when “Detroit 187” was shooting their show here in the D, I knew a girl who was playing a “dead actress” on the show. The producers wanted pictures of her in real life so they could make the room she was dead in, look more real. She told me she submitted a picture of her and me from one of the RIFF girl contests, and that it was going to appear on the show.
Man, I was fired up! I couldn’t waited to have my friends and family see me on national TV. I posted on my socials to keep a lookout for a familiar face on the show.
Well, it didn’t work out according to plan. I guess to show me on the show, I’d have to have signed on that that could use my likeness. I didn’t know anything about that and no one had contacted me, so when it came to my big TV break….I was hidden behind a microwave door handle! Yes, that’s me behind the handle……are you impressed yet? LOL
(cue the sad trombone)