My 25th Anniversary At WRIF – Random Memories #1 – Meltdown
As my 25th anniversary at the mighty WRIF approaches on November 1st, I’ve been looking back on some great memories. Here’s a few today….
….like the glamorous life of interviewing rock stars…in a the shower stall! This picture of Head from Korn and myself was taken in Columbus, Ohio at the Rock on the Range festival. I guess we couldn’t find a better place to talk. LOL
I love involving my kids in what I do. Every year I do a different Christmas card with a celebrity. A couple months after 9/11, I met WWE superstar, Kurt Angle. He held my 8 month old daughter for the card picture, which I captioned it “Have A Very Ameri-can Christmas”. He was a great sport. My daughter is now in her second year at college.
One of my faves in this business is James Hetfield. I’ve had the chance to meet and interview him a bunch, dating back to 1994. He’s just a good guy, and one of the greatest rock stars, in my opinion.
Just a few quick memories from the past 25 years….more to come.