Meltdown’s June Music Challenge – Favorite Progressive or Concept Albums
We’re turning the corner heading to the back half of the June Music Challenge. Today’s challenge is progressive or concept albums. I mean, obviously Pink Floyd’s “Wall” is about as good as it gets. I have that album but not in the original sleeve.
Here’s a few of mine that I like.
First off, Queensryche’s “Operation Mindcrime” is a masterpiece. This album is so good and the tour they did supporting the “Empire” album, where they play Mindcrime in its entirety, was one of the best shows I’d ever seen. A true 80’s prog-rock staple.
For me, I could’ve posted any Yes album. I love Yes! This album is almost perfect, with the exception of the song “The Clap”, which doesn’t seem to fit the rest of this record. That being said, it’s a piece of music that’s hard to match. An album I never tire of. There’s so many layers to it.
What happens when you put some of the best current prog-rock players together? You get Sons Of Apollo. This album came out a couple years back and it stellar. Long, epic songs and shorter, rockin’ ones. This is a must-have for anyone who’s into this kind of music.
What are some of your faves? #MeltdownsJMC