Meltdown’s June Music Challenge – Underrated Album
Today’s challenge is to pick an album that you think didn’t get it’s just deserved respect. What underrated album to you love?
Mine is simple – Guns N’ Roses Chinese Democracy. I LOVE this album. There are songs like “There Was A Time” and “Madagascar” that I could listen to over and over again. Everyone remembers how the media and fans got down on Axl Rose for continuing to push this album’s release date back. Yes, it took a billion years for it to see the light of day, but when it came out, wow, it was worth the wait…to me, at least. There’s many layers to this record…you need to peel them back.
If you’ve never given this record a chance, throw it on this weekend and listen.
What’s your underrated album or albums? Feel free to post on your socials with the hashtag #MeltdownsJMC.