Meltdown: Lockdown – Day Twenty Six
It’s day Joe Kocur of this thing, Adam Jones from TOOL is our guitarist of the day and the FourPlay At 4 will consist of “good” songs for this Good Friday. OK, now you’re all caught up.
I got the chance to watch Angel Has Fallen last night on Netflix. It was kinda like The Fugitive is some ways, where a guy was wrongly accused and trying to prove his innocence. It’s a pretty typical shoot-em-up action movie, staring Morgan Freeman and Gerard Butler. I’ll give it a 6 out of 10. Not horrible.
For today’s challenge I’m going off the rails. Songs that make you sad. I can’t say this song makes me sad, but every time I hear it I get a lump in my throat. Kenny Chesney’s “There Goes My Life”. That song pulls at the heartstrings of this father of a little girl.
Finally today, a flashback on this Friday. It was the summer of 1993 and Aerosmith was coming through town. Their current single was Living On The Edge. In the song, Steven Tyler sings the line “Meltdown in the sky”. Well, I thought it would be funny if I asked him if that’s what he sang, or was it “Meltdown AND THIS GUY”….kind of a joke from the old Hendrix song where people thought he was saying “Excuse while I kiss THIS GUY” instead of “Excuse while I kiss the sky”. I thought we would have a great laugh and become best friends. Yeah, not quite. I blanked and couldn’t remember the name of the song and he looked at me like he had zero idea of what I was talking about. It was awkward to say the least.
My friend Theresa snapped this picture right in the middle of his confusion. As it turns out, we never did become best friends! LOL