Meltdown’s Thursday Top 3: Drummers
Since it’s National Hug A Drummer day, I thought I’d pay tribute and name my top 3.
#3 – Ray Luzier from Korn. The guy is a machine. A drummer once told me that he’s so good because of all the little things he does between beats. I don’t know what it is, but I love watching him play.
#2 – Danny Carey. I mean, to play for Tool you have to bring a little something extra. He does that…and more, lots more.
#1 – Niel Peart. Do I need to explain this one? Almost every drummer I’ve ever met calls him their #1. It’s almost as if they use him as the measuring stick.
Honorable mention, and there’s a lot! I’ll just rattle off a few. Tommy Lee, Mike Portnoy, Stewart Copeland, Dave Grohl, the Appice brothers, John Bonham, Shannon Larkin and on and on.