As I was riding my Harley into work, I was trying to think of something to write about National Radio Day. I could talk about the loyalty of the WRIF listeners throughout the many years of RIFF’s history. I could explain the reason I feel in love with radio, and how I really enjoy the theater of the mind and anonymity of the medium. I could share with you the countless friendships I’ve developed with artists and listeners over the past 28 years. I could post how radio, although stressful at times, is a job I look forward to going to every day, all these years later. I could pass on an email I just shared with an artist about a story that happened 26 years ago!
I could do all that, but I won’t. Instead I want to tell you about something that happened to me on the way to work.
As I stopped to fuel up my motorcycle, a guy at the pump next to me came over to talk Harleys. It turns out, he has one similar to mine. As we talked for a minute or so, he said to me “Are you Meltdown?”. After I said I was, he told me he was a big fan and had been listening the RIFF for years. People, especially in Detroit, have a big connection to the radio and the personalities on it. They feel like we’re friends, people they grew up on. It’s a pretty cool dichotomy when you think about it. And now with social media, they’re ever closer and feel more connected. I have friends that work in TV and I’m pretty sure they don’t get the same ‘love’ some of us in this business do.
When you stop and think about it, it’s pretty cool what we get to do every day. Touch people’s lives and let them forget about the daily grind for a bit. To have a total stranger recognize you doing something as brainless as pumping gas, and then tell you how much he appreciates what you do, is something that’s almost too awesome to put into words.
On National Radio Day I want to say Thank You to all of the listeners that have stopped and said nice things to me over the years. All the artists who have treated me (and sometimes my kids) so well. All the people I’ve had the pleasure to preform my craft with, and there’s been several whom have left their mark on me. And all those who have pushed my creative juices to do what I love.
Thank You!